Making Happy Money
•Welcome back! Today we will discuss placing a monetary value on your talents and time in order to make a profit from your dream business.
Asking for money is never easy... It's particularly tricky if you are carrying a belief that your work, your talent or your business is not worthy! The honest truth is, everyone needs to make money!
Putting a monetary value on our time and talent doesn't come naturally. From the beginning, I struggled to set a price that I felt at ease with and when I finally sold a piece, I felt for sure there would be a half-satisfied customer. To my surprise, my customers were delighted!
Download the Making Happy Money support document here for a cohesive look at the Postive Profit Feedback Loop
- Do you find it hard to market your business online?
- Do you struggle to come up with prices you are comfortable with?
- Do you have a tiny voice inside your head that tells you creative work is not worth money and is not a real job?
- Do you feel guilty when you think about making a profit from your talent?
In this podcast, I’m going to encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and think about your business with a growth mindset. It may be time to challenge your beliefs!
We all need to make a living! Agreed?
The key difference between a hobby and a business? PROFIT!
To make a profit means being comfortable and confident with your work and charging for it. Join me on this podcast episode “Making Happy Money" and start making the profit you deserve.
Listen in here in a new tab or on iTunes to gain a positive outlook around profit in your business. Get comfortable with your pricing formula and learn how you can evolve your prices over time.
If You Ain't Making Profit, You Ain't Got A Business! Let’s Make Happy Money!
Make this episode count by taking action! Download the Postive Profit Feedback Loop here
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